Reading takes you to magical places in magical ways. We invite you on a multimedia journey through the world of modern reading. We’ll learn how stories can take our imagination to new places through words, pictures and technology...Plans for this year's Parents As Reading Partners (P.A.R.P.) Week, Nov. 14-18, include field trips to the Desmond-Fish Library, Pajama Storytime, Middle School Poetry Slam, workshops with "A to Z Mysteries" author Ron Roy & young adult novelist Todd Strasser, a virtual assembly with 12-year-old author-activist Olivia Bouler, and an eBooks Day. But most of all, be sure to share some good reads with your kids! Parents ARE reading partners! Questions? Email ~ 2011-12 co-chairs Kym August & Charlotte Rowe
Reminder: eBook submissions deadline extended to Thursday December 1! Email original jokes, riddles, poems, short stories, or scanned illustrations to GUFS eBook will be professionally edited and sold through iTunes, Barnes & Noble, & Amazon.
Enter the Garrison Teachers Association's Bookmark Design Contest! For details click here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

eBook Submission Deadline Extended to Thurs Dec 1!

Reading is Magical…Because of New Technology!
Call for Submissions
All students are invited to contribute to the “First Ever Garrison School eBook!” The GUFS eBook will be professionally edited and sold to the public through iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon as a PTA fundraiser. Students may submit original jokes, riddles, poems, and short stories. Scanned illustrations, color or black & white, may also be submitted. Authors will be identified by first names and last initials. All submissions must be emailed to by THURSDAY DEC 1. Questions? Please email

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